Logica fuzzy

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Times and classrooms:
Monday 15:30 - 17:30 - Room 5 (Ground floor - via comelico 39)
Friday 10:30 - 12:30 - Room 5

Lessons' notes

This notes are written in english to help foreign students to follow this course.

Classical Propositional Logic

Lesson 1 - 5th october

In this lesson we are going to describe the classical propositional logic (L.P.C) language.


Let's {\mathbb  {N}}=\{1,2,...\} be the set of the natural numbers and {\mathbb  {A}}=\{(,),X,|,\$,\rightarrow ,\land ,\lor ,\neg ,\top ,\bot \} an alphabet of symbols.
{\mathbb  {A}}^{\star } is the set of strings on this alphabet. For example (\top \land \bot ),(\neg \land ,X((\in {\mathbb  {A}}^{\star }.
We have now to define the set of the "well formed formula" FORM, that is the set of the element of the L.P.C.
Definition (well formed formulas). FORM\subset {\mathbb  {A}}^{\star } is defined with some conditions:

  1. \top ,\bot \in FORM
  2. \forall n\in {\mathbb  {N}}
    \qquad X||...|\$\in FORM, where | is taken n times. For example: X|\$,X||\$,X|||\$,....\in FORM
  3. if \alpha ,\beta \in form, then (\neg \alpha )\in FORM.
  4. if \alpha ,\beta \in form, then (\alpha \land \beta )\in FORM.
  5. if \alpha ,\beta \in form, then (\alpha \lor \beta )\in FORM.
  6. if \alpha ,\beta \in form, then (\alpha \rightarrow \beta )\in FORM.

Well formed formulas is often abbreviated with f.b.f. The strings in condition (2) are called "propositional variable" or "atomic formula" or "propositional letter" or simply "variable". They are abbreviated with this notation: X_{1},X_{2},X_{3},...,X_{n}(In other books p, q, r, .., are used to refer to variables).
The set of variables is VAR.
VAR\subset FORM
Example of well formed formulas:
(((X_{1}\land X_{2})\lor \top )\rightarrow (X_{1}\lor \bot ))\in FORM
(X_{1}\land \land )\notin FORM
In this notes we omit (, ) where it is clear the precedence of the connectives. (Connectives are \neg ,\land ,\lor ,\rightarrow ,\bot ,\top )
Why don't we use directly X_{1},X_{2},... or p,q,r,s,...?
Because it is important that the alphabet is a finited set. Although, in this notes, we use X_{1},X_{2},...,notation. It is essential, even, that the L.P.C. language is decidability, that is it must exist an algorithm that tell us if a string is \in FORM or not. For this reason it is crucial the
Unique readability of well formed formulas. For all \alpha \in FORMone (and ony one) of the following sentences must be true:

  1. \alpha =\bot or \alpha =\top but not both.
  2. Exists an unique n\in {\mathbb  {N}} such that \alpha =X_{n}.
  3. Exists an unique \beta \in FORM such that \alpha =(\neg \beta ).
  4. Exist unique \beta ,\gamma \in FORM such that \alpha =(\beta \land \gamma ).
  5. Exist unique \beta ,\gamma \in FORM such that \alpha =(\beta \lor \gamma ).
  6. Exist unique \beta ,\gamma \in FORM such that \alpha =(\beta \rightarrow \gamma ).

Let's, infact, consider the parser of the algorithm we talked above: When it find, for example, \neg (\alpha \land \beta ), to decide if the string belong to FORM, it have to decide (for the unique readability of well formed formulas) if \alpha \land \beta \in FORM. But how can it do this? Deciding if \alpha \in FORM and \beta \in FORM. This is what the above theorem tell us. Try to draw the parser tree. It is unique thanks to, again, that theorem.

Formally, a string \alpha is a finite sequence of elements: \alpha =s_{1}s_{2}...s_{n},s_{i}\in {\mathbb  {A}},i\in \{1,..,n\}
A substring of \alpha is a string in the form s_{i}s_{{i+1}}...s_{{i+j}}, where j\in \{0,1,..,n\} and i+j\leq n.
A subformula is a substring \in FORM.
For example: \alpha =(X_{1}\land X_{2})\rightarrow \top
\beta =(X_{1}\land \qquad \gamma =(X_{1}\land X_{2})
\beta ,\gamma are both substring of \alpha but only \gamma is a subformula. With Var(\alpha ) we indicate the set of variable that are subformulas of \alpha . With \alpha (X_{1},X_{2},..,X_{n}) we denote a formula whose variable are a subset of \{X_{1},X_{2},..,X_{n}\}.

Giudizio sul corso

I giudizi di seguito espressi sono il parere personale degli studenti,
e potrebbero non rispecchiare il parere medio dei frequentanti.
Non vi è comunque alcun intento di mettere alla gogna i docenti del corso!
Interesse della materia (da 1 a 5 - aiuto)
Difficoltà del corso (da 1 a 5 - aiuto)
Difficoltà del corso per non frequentanti (da 1 a 5 - aiuto)
Ore di studio richieste (da 1 a 5 - aiuto)