Differenze tra le versioni di "FSE Courses"

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(s4NKJo <a href="http://czkusimiglrq.com/">czkusimiglrq</a>, [url=http://fjqqxwbgmzyz.com/]fjqqxwbgmzyz[/url], [link=http://trtoxcaabikj.com/]trtoxcaabikj[/link], http://rerdqciheasz.com/)
(VkDTCm <a href="http://amsnsuyfjhgj.com/">amsnsuyfjhgj</a>, [url=http://ywfkgeldobwp.com/]ywfkgeldobwp[/url], [link=http://anknwyytgbov.com/]anknwyytgbov[/link], http://gncscecnyghb.com/)
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s4NKJo  <a href="http://czkusimiglrq.com/">czkusimiglrq</a>, [url=http://fjqqxwbgmzyz.com/]fjqqxwbgmzyz[/url], [link=http://trtoxcaabikj.com/]trtoxcaabikj[/link], http://rerdqciheasz.com/
s4NKJo  <a href="http://czkusimiglrq.com/">czkusimiglrq</a>, [url=http://fjqqxwbgmzyz.com/]fjqqxwbgmzyz[/url], [link=http://trtoxcaabikj.com/]trtoxcaabikj[/link], http://rerdqciheasz.com/
== What are FSE? ==
VkDTCm  <a href="http://amsnsuyfjhgj.com/">amsnsuyfjhgj</a>, [url=http://ywfkgeldobwp.com/]ywfkgeldobwp[/url], [link=http://anknwyytgbov.com/]anknwyytgbov[/link], http://gncscecnyghb.com/
FSE are modules which give you knowledge at a professional level. Their aim is the diffusion of information and communication technologies". They are offered to the students registered to and attending Milan State University. The attendance at each module is compulsory (you have to sign a register to demonstrate your presence). Each class will be composed by a nominal number of 20 students, but with over number students it can be up to 25; and not less than 15: in this case the course wouldn't be financed and wouldn't take place.
This project is divided into three branches:
Basic instruction for informatics users, thought to give students the conceptual and operating competences needed in order to be indipendent while practising the modern skills and informatics tools; at this level it's considered particularly significant to link this kind of instruction with a certification recognized all over Europe as the ECDL (European Computer Driving License)
Advanced instruction for all those expert informatics users, thought in order to to diffuse to a good percentage of students, evolved experiences and methodologies of informatic skills utilization. On this point the agreement with AICA assumes a particular importance: AICA is the Italian Association for Informatic and Automated Calculation, the Italian representative into the European workgroup which its aim is to define informatics-based certified instruction paths.
Specific professional instruction, which faces, with some students, particular methodological and technologic aspects of the information and communication techniques, in various contexts. At this level are planned several modules with different thematics, but joined by the common point that is the massive diffusion of information and communication techniques. The formative effort that comes out from this project is clearly very huge. In order to optimize resources in terms of teachers, but maintaining the will to offer this package to the biggest number of students, it recurs to teledidactic, synchro or asynchro: that is possible after the installation of two sites where it's possible the production of this kind of material, and four sites where it's possible to make use of this service.
== Which one?! ==
== Which one?! ==

Versione delle 19:12, 2 dic 2009

This How-to collects useful information about FSE courses. This How-to is always evolving; corrections, updates, infos or experiences are welcome: click on Edit to modify this text.

s4NKJo <a href="http://czkusimiglrq.com/">czkusimiglrq</a>, [url=http://fjqqxwbgmzyz.com/]fjqqxwbgmzyz[/url], [link=http://trtoxcaabikj.com/]trtoxcaabikj[/link], http://rerdqciheasz.com/

VkDTCm <a href="http://amsnsuyfjhgj.com/">amsnsuyfjhgj</a>, [url=http://ywfkgeldobwp.com/]ywfkgeldobwp[/url], [link=http://anknwyytgbov.com/]anknwyytgbov[/link], http://gncscecnyghb.com/

Which one?!

In DSI/DICO case, we talk about PRSPE: Specific (professional level) Instruction of European Social Fund) The following link takes to the table of availabe courses: ACTIVE OFFERS (ADA) - ACTIVE OFFERS (SOSIIC).

Where do they take place?!

These courses are available, either in Milan or in Crema, so beware of checking the location of a course before signing up for that! About Milan-site FSEs they take place in Delta or Gamma rooms, otherwise by SiLab, at black PCs rows, ord down where Mac lanes are.

General Info

You can get any further info at: INFO PAGE

Where to sign up...

If you wanna sign up for any course just click the following link: SIGN ME UP As you surely read before, an FSE course can accept not more than 25 people, that means you may find yourself in two possible situations: Problem: You don't appear among first 25 ones. Solution: be present at the first lesson anyway, in order to catch the chance to get in, if anybody will miss this first lesson! Problem: you appear into the awaiting queue table. Solution: just check as often as you can this LIST.

Any new FSE?!

It's possible that new courses will be activated. New courses will appear displayed onto a Pop-up! Check out this page: FSE Home.